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Who has the Honour or dishonour of being Eve?
Who has the honour or dishonour of being Eve | 2019 | Single channel video | 05.41mins
Eve (Cunil Post Folch)
Eve (Cunill, Post, Folch) | 2019 | Single channel video | 09.53mins
Traces of Future Histories
Stills 1, 2, 3, 4 (from film Traces of Future Histories 2), 2017, C-Type prints, 60x60cm
Traces of Future Histories, 2017, Single Channel video 00:20 loop
History Being the Only Unexplored Terrain
History being the only unexplored terrain | Drive Thru | Cavendish Square QPark | 2016 | Oil on wood panel, lead, steal, synchronized fm car radio transmission
Vox Clamantis – II, sound piece, 04:45 loop (collaboration with conductor Jonathan Berman)
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